Are you one of the millions of Americans suffering from sleep problems? Is lack of sleep interfering with your enjoyment and quality of life? Unfortunately, many sufferers develop a dependency on synthetic sleep medications that can have negative and lasting effects. However, there’s a safer, more effective alternative. And that’s to use medical marijuana for sleep issues. Its growing popularity is beginning to seem like a miracle solution. So let’s have a look at the detail.
What are Sleep Disorders?
Simply put, they involve problems with falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Factors include sleep quality, quantity, and timing – and the result is usually varying degrees of daytime distress and impairment in functioning.
What Constitutes Healthy Sleep?
In case you’re worried what a natural sleep cycle looks like, check these four stages:
1 Light sleep: First 5-10 minutes where you gradually fall asleep.
2 This is the next 25 minutes of relaxation when your heartbeat and breathing slow down, and your body temperature drops.
3 Deep sleep happens 35-45 minutes after you fall asleep. Your heartbeat and breathing are at their lowest; you have no eye movement or muscle activity.
4 REM sleep usually begins 90 minutes after you fall asleep and is the deepest stage of sleep. The majority of your body’s healing and restoration takes place now.
In order to receive the most benefits from your sleep cycle, you need an adequate amount each night. But what’s the magic number? It depends on your age. The younger you are, the more sleep you needs, and the amount tapers down over the years. From about the age of 25, your body will need 7-9 hours of restful sleep every night.
Symptoms of Sleep Disorders
- Trouble falling asleep
- Waking up frequently
- Never feeling fully rested – and worrying about sleep
- Tension headaches
- Tiredness, lack of coordination, or memory and focusing problems
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Irritability, depression, anxiety – or mood swings
Types of Sleep Disorders
Sleep-onset insomnia
As the name suggests, you’re unable to fall asleep at the beginning of the night’s rest. This often links with anxiety.
Acute insomnia
You suffer brief and temporary sleeplessness – usually the result of a dramatic event, either positive or negative. It typically doesn’t last long, so there’s no urgent need to treat it.
Chronic insomnia
Sleep issues that happen at least three nights a week and last longer term.
Comorbid insomnia
When your sleeplessness happens alongside another condition, such as anxiety or depression.
Maintenance insomnia
This is the inability to maintain your sleep throughout the night. You probably don’t have problems falling asleep but wake easily and find it difficult to return to sleep.
At one time, insomnia primarily affected the elderly. But over the last decade, the number of young people being afflicted with sleep disorders has been on the rise. Additionally, insomnia seems to affect women more than men.
Causes of Sleep Disorders
These vary significantly. Some result from an imbalance in brain chemistry, while others are the result of chronic pain. Still others have no clear underlying causes.
The most common causes include:
- Stress and over-busy schedules
- Symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and palpitations
- Poor bedtime habits (so-called sleep hygiene)
- Mental health disorders
- Restless leg syndrome and cramps
- Sleep apnea
- Narcolepsy
- Medication or stimulants such as coffee and alcohol
Does Marijuana Help Promote Healthy Sleep?
Yes, marijuana for sleep is a promising solution! Cannabinoids interact with receptors in the brain, sending messages to increase levels of sleep-promoting adenosine and suppressing the brain’s arousal system.
In addition, research indicates that when you fall asleep more quickly, you spend more time in deep sleep. This allows for healthy regeneration because your sleep cycle becomes more normal.
How to Use Medical Marijuana
If you want to get the most benefit from using medical marijuana for sleep issues, you should bear in mind what to use, as well as when and how.
Firstly, although there are various strains to choose from depending on what you want to achieve, indica is often the best marijuana for sleep because it has the strongest sedative qualities.
But secondly, take into consideration different ways of using marijuana. It can affect your body strongly or less potently. It can work quickly or more slowly. And the effects can be either intense or subtle. You may need to experiment to get the combination just right for your body.
Consider these factors, too:
- Mixing: Don’t mix marijuana with other sleep aids!
- Timing: Hours before bed or right before bed?
- Quantity: How long do you want the effect to last?
- Route: Smoking, vaping, edibles, capsules, topical.
Possible Side Effects of Medical Marijuana
Marijuana can cause a significant improvement in your insomnia, but it’s important to understand the possible side effects, especially if you use a strain containing THC as well as CBD. However, the effects are usually mild and don’t last long because they disappear when the marijuana exits your body.
Side effects may include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Dry mouth
- Increased hunger
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Paranoia
How to Get Medical Marijuana
The accessibility of medical marijuana varies from state to state. Some states allow for the legal purchase of marijuana for any purpose. Hemp-based CBD is legal in all states. (See here if you feel confused about what is legal where you live.)
Other states, like Florida, require you to apply for a medical marijuana card after meeting some qualifying conditions.
To do this, first, visit a medical marijuana doctor who can assess your symptoms. If deemed eligible, you can then apply for a card that will allow you to purchase high-quality medical marijuana from dispensaries within the state.
Find a Trusted Medical Marijuana Provider
Insomnia and other sleep disorders can be hard to manage. But you’re not alone, and there’s hope! The use of medical marijuana for insomnia and other sleep disorders is a safe and effective treatment that promotes healthy sleep and can significantly improve your quality of life.
However, everyone is different, as is every case of sleeplessness. Finding the right ratios of ingredients to produce optimal results might take some experimentation. Medical professionals are happy to assist with this.
Emerald Medical is a leading provider of medical marijuana treatment, including for improving your sleep. Our experienced and dedicated staff will offer you the personal care that you deserve. Contact us today and find out how we can help you develop healthy sleep patterns to enhance all aspects of your life.