If CBD confuses you, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, stories and myths about medical marijuana are abundant, while the facts and a concise understanding of the state laws are in short supply. So let’s take a minute to clear up any questions and concerns you have about CBD.
CBD and Intoxication
The biggest confusion people have about CBD is whether it will get you high. The quick answer is, no. It will not get you high.
Here’s why:
CBD is not the same thing as cannabis, marijuana, or the popular term “pot.” The products are made from two plants: marijuana and hemp.
CBD From Marijuana
When used as a whole, yes, marijuana can be intoxicating, but that’s got nothing to do with CBD. The intoxication part of the cannabis plant has more to do with THC. So if you take the CBD out of a marijuana plant and isolate it, it does not cause a high.
Hemp-Based CBD
The hemp plant is a cousin of marijuana. CBD that comes from hemp contains .03% or less THC. This is not enough to affect you, and it’s why hemp has zero intoxicating properties.
Is it Addictive?
The next biggest confusion surrounding CBD is whether or not it’s addictive.
The quick answer to this question is, no. It’s not addictive.
According to a report from the World Health Organization, “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”
Here’s why:
For decades, people have presented marijuana as an enemy to our health, so it’s natural you’re concerned about potential drug dependency, addiction, and psychotic illness.
But there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what marijuana is. Again, we’re back to the fact that the marijuana (cannabis) plant contains a large variety of cannabinoids and tannins. Each of these has its own properties and can be isolated. CBD is one of these cannabinoids. No one has ever prove that it’s addictive because it can’t be. This particular cannabinoid is non-psychoactive and non-intoxicating.
So many CBD options! How do you choose which to get?
CBD products may be on the shelf in practically every store you walk into, but that doesn’t mean they’re all the same quality. For example, a 2017 JAMA showed that nearly 70% of all products sold online made from Cannabidiol contained either higher or lower concentrations of the drug than was indicated on the label.
So how do you know which one to choose?
A simple way to narrow down your options is to check if a third-party lab has tested the product for the three Ps.
- Potency
- Purity
- Pesticides
Labels on products are often inaccurate and unreliable when it comes to their content, so an even more effective approach is to purchase CBD products from a trusted source.
A Quick Guide to the Legal System
One of the other most confusing things about CBD has to do with our legal system. Unfortunately, medical marijuana laws differ from state to state, so it can be difficult to know where it is legal to buy and take it. CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t share this problem. CBD products are legal in all 50 states as long as they:
- Are derived from hemp, not marijuana
- Contain less than 0.3% THC
If you want to buy CBD derived from marijuana or with a THC content higher than .3% then you will need to check your state laws. In states where recreational marijuana has been legalized, you can purchase either marijuana-based or hemp-based CBD if you are over 21. In states where the use of medical marijuana has been approved, you will need to obtain a medical marijuana identification card issued by a registered practitioner.
Drug Tests
Here’s where CBD can get a little tricky. Although it won’t get you high and it’s not addictive, full-spectrum hemp extracts may contain trace amounts of THC. Most drug tests screen for THC and not CBD. A trace amount of THC can be enough for blood and urine specimens to test positive, particularly if you are taking high doses.
Our Biggest Concern
Although we aren’t concerned about its well-managed use, or even medical marijuana products, we are concerned about what’s in the products, who is making them, and where they’re coming from. As you may have noticed, these products aren’t just found at medical marijuana dispensaries.
CBD is everywhere – it’s flooding the market. You can find these products in:
- Pharmacies
- Supermarkets
- Health food stores
- Corner markets
- Spas
- Wellness centers
- Box stores
- Online
CBD is in almost everything! It can be found in oils, creams, patches, beauty products, salves, tinctures, vapes, and edibles. If there is a way to put it into something, someone has probably come up with it.
Some oils or edibles that derive from the marijuana plant can have a high THC content and can cause euphoric effects. So, if you’re concerned about drug addiction or getting high, you must know what you are getting and where it came from.
And Here’s a Surprise!
Ironically, it turns out that something people fear could cause addiction may actually help fight it. Preliminary reports suggest that CBD can be used to treat drug addiction. This is especially relevant in the case of cocaine addiction. Researchers have found that CBD can be used to decrease the likelihood of developing cocaine and methamphetamine use disorder and nicotine and cannabis addiction. More trials and studies are underway, and we’re excited to see what their results bring!
Our team is dedicated to helping you uncover the facts you need to make important decisions about your health and well-being. We would hate for you to miss out on the many positive, supportive benefits medical marijuana offers because of any confusion or misunderstandings about how they interact with your body. So contact us for a consultation today!